Hollow Mark, Griffith University Art Gallery 2011
Madeleine Kelly is an Australian painter living and working from Woolongong Australia.
Madeleine Kelly, Painter, Artist,
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Hollow Mark, Griffith University Art Gallery 2011

Madeleine Kelly Plastic Continuity (detail) 2011 oil on polyester 180 x 270cm
Plastic Continuity (detail) 2011 oil on polyester 180 x 270cm

The works in Hollow Mark are partly inspired by contemporary considerations of where painting might begin or end. The title is drawn from Michel Foucault’s The Archaeology of Knowledge (1969) and suggests absence, gaps in knowledge, and things that are unspoken. The work also seeks to test light’s capacity to represent human relations to environments both natural and artificial, as a process of accumulation; an archaeology of being.

Madeleine Kelly Hollow Mark 2011
Madeleine Kelly Hollow Mark 2011
Madeleine Kelly Split Unity 2011 oil on polyester 180 x 160 cm
Split Unity 2011 oil on polyester 180 x 160 cm
Madeleine Kelly Pitting Against the Core of Me 2011 oil on board 39 x 32 cm
Pitting Against the Core of Me 2011 oil on board 39 x 32 cm

The painting uses the image-laden aspects of Foucault’s archaeological metaphor imaginatively to explore complex ways of seeing and knowing. This visual-aesthetic translation of Foucault’s archaeological method is not without irony. Formally, the works contain anamorphic distortion, an emphasis on rupture, treacherous doubling and discontinuity, all arranged as ‘archaeological constellations’.


Finders Keepers 201 oil on polyester 68 x 135cm
Finders Keepers 201 oil on polyester 68 x 135cm
Weight of the World 2011 oil on fibreglass resin two panels; each 300 x 100cm
The Grotesque 2011 oil on board 34 x 41cm
The Grotesque 2011 oil on board 34 x 41cm
Erscheinen 2010 Installation: pinpricked Foamcore, light, 294 x 234 x 490cm (In the distance, Structure for Evermore 2011 Installation: motors, lights, sailcloth, sponges, 180 x 270cm
Erscheinen 2010 Installation: pinpricked Foamcore, light, 294 x 234 x 490cm (In the distance, Structure for Evermore 2011 Installation: motors, lights, sailcloth, sponges, 180 x 270cm
Lux’n’Lumen 2010 Foam core, light 47 x 38cm
Lux’n’Lumen 2010 Foam core, light 47 x 38cm
The Jaguar’s Descent 2009 incandescent box, pinpricked foam core 49 x 33cm
The Jaguar’s Descent 2009 incandescent box, pinpricked foam core 49 x 33cm
Edgar Street 2011 pinpricked Foamcore, light 40 x 60cm
Edgar Street 2011 pinpricked Foamcore, light 40 x 60cm
Featured Work

Plastic Continuity 2011 oil on polyester 180 x 270cm


Griffith University Art Gallery
