Madeleine Kelly is an Australian painter living and working from Woolongong Australia.
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Madeleine Kelly (b. Freising, Germany 1977) makes work that engages with human encounters with “nature” and elemental forces. Bringing together figuration and abstraction, her practice is a mixture of the cosmic and the material that explores the many, often ineffable, points of contact between people, animals and plants such that the material world is transformed in rich and absorbing fantasy. Her paintings can best be described as visual and tangible emanations of science, myth, and magical realism in literature: poetic and paradoxical yet always grounded in sensory, lived experience. While painting remains core to her practice, it often acquires or expands its significance in its interrelationship with other mediums, such as textiles, glass and so on, in which there is regularly a happy collision between the tactile and the ephemeral.


Madeleine Kelly exhibits nationally and internationally, including the Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art (Australia), The Art Gallery of New South Wales (AGNSW) and Archie Massiv Leipzig Spinnerei (Germany). In 2023, she exhibited new works in the The National 4, at The AGNSW, curated by Beatrice Gralton. Kelly has held residencies at the Cité internationale des Arts (France), Leipzig International Art Program (Germany), YATOO Korean Nature Artists’ Association and the Paphos Theatre Excavation Site (Cyprus). She has won the Churchie Art Prize and the Sunshine Coast Art Prize. Her curatorial project ‘Birds and Language’ was presented at Wollongong City Gallery and a co-edited online edition of the same theme is published in Unlikely Journal. Kelly majored in Fine Art at the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University, in 1999, and her practice-led PhD was conferred by the same institution in 2013. Kelly is senior lecturer at Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney.




Queensland Art Gallery I Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane
Ipswich City Art Gallery
UBS Art Collection, Sydney
KPMG Corporate Collection, Sydney
Wollongong City Gallery
Caloundra Regional Gallery
Gadens Lawyers, Brisbane
UBS Art Collection
University of Queensland Art Museum
Griffith University Art Collection
University of Wollongong Art Collection
Queensland Children’s Hospital

Artbank, Sydney