Fossilphila, Metro Arts Brisbane 2003

Fossilphilia – meaning to love fossil fuels – is an exhibition about humanity’s insatiable desire to consume fossil fuels, and how this desire stops at nothing to achieve fulfilment, not even war. The presence of treeless tree shadows hint of absence and ephemeral resources, while their flat dimensions, akin to the compressed layers of ancient plants that form oil, become a setting for human civilization and its consuming folly.

These paintings were made before the Unites States strike on Iraq in 2003, a strike that occurred while the exhibition was open. Many of the works from this show were later exhibited in Primavera 2005.

Madeleine Kelly Logic Block 2003, oil on polyester 115 x 90cm
Logic Block 2003 oil on polyester 115 x 90cm
Madeleine Kelly Illogical Box 2003 oil and Letraset on polyester 90 x 115cm
Illogical Box 2003 oil and Letraset on polyester 90 x 115cm
Madeleine Kelly Blood for Oil 2003 Oil on gesso board 21 x 14cm
Blood for Oil 2003 Oil on gesso board 21 x 14cm
Madeleine Kelly The Paradox of Ascent 2003
The Paradox of Ascent 2003